Some of you may be aware, whilst others may not of the new online resource to help you support children with additional needs.  As many of you know children with a disability or developmental delay are over represented in Out of home Care.  Hence the reason I wanted to flag this resource with you, so that you can share with your team and potential use to support any future KIS applications.

All Play Learn is a new online resource to help early childhood providers and schools support students who have disabilities or additional learning needs. 

All Play Learn provides practical online information, strategies and resources for early childhood educators to help create inclusive environments for children with disabilities and additional needs. It also has information and resources to assist parents and children

The link to this resource is

Another resource that may be of interest are the Inclusion of children on the autism spectrum modules:

The Including Children with autism in the Early Years modules help early childhood educators develop a greater understanding of autistic young children and plan inclusive programs that support their learning and development.

Finally the last resource that I would encourage you to use which is not new, but may be for some of you is the Early ABLES tool.  This online assessment tool can help educators to develop and provide a more individualised learning experience for children aged two – five with disabilities or developmental delay

You will note that the updated KIS application form makes reference to Early ABLES and online inclusion modules, hence my recommendation to use these tools

I do hope that these are of assistance.

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