Dear parents and carers,
Based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, early childhood education and care (ECEC) services (kindergarten, LDC and FDC) in Victoria are now permitted to remain open for children of authorised workers and vulnerable children only.
These changes take effect from Monday 23 August 2021 for all ECEC services in Victoria, including ours.
To be eligible to access onsite education and care, in a two parent/carer family or a one parent/carer family, one parent is an authorised worker (working on site or from home) and there is no appropriate alternative care available in the home.
If there is another adult in the household, authorised workers can still access onsite if the other adult is not able to supervise the child/ren (including due to work or personal circumstances such as illness or disability).
Previously issued Authorised Worker Permits will need to be reissued for authorised workers eligible to use early childhood education and care, with the childcare/kindergarten section completed. A parent or carer must demonstrate their eligibility by producing a valid Authorised Workers Permit. A permit is not required for accessing on-site education and care for children experiencing vulnerability.
If you intend for your child/ren to attend our service, you will need to show your permit from Tuesday 24 August 2021.
Authorised workers must carry their Authorised Worker Permit and photo identification when travelling to and from our service.
For those children who will not be attending our service under these new restrictions, our service has commenced planning on how we can best support your children’s learning from home and will be in touch with information about this soon.