It’s been a difficult few months for everyone, and as we recover from the challenges of COVID-19, positive parenting is more important than ever – which is why we’re excited to share this news with you!

Thanks to new funding from the Victorian Government, arents and carers can receive support across the state, even when you can’t see them face-to-face, with a FREE evidence-based, online program. There are other free resources too, all to help families cope with the emotional challenges and ongoing effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Visit the new website today:

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® helps parents and carers focus on children’s emotional wellbeing and development, even in times of stress.

Triple P Online and Teen Triple P Online (for parents of teenagers) include a wide range of positive parenting tips and strategies. There are also worksheets and videos on handling common issues and supporting children’s and teenager’s development included in the interactive 8-module online program (6-module program for parents of teenagers). Both programs now include a special COVID-19 module to help parents stay calm, manage children’s and teenager’s anxiety and encourage resilience and coping skills during this time.

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