Helm Street Kindergarten

National Quality Standard Rating – Exceeding

Address: 13 Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555 MAP

Phone: 03 5447 0185

Email: helmstreet@shinebright.org.au

Identifying social-emotional development as a key priority of school readiness, Helm Street Kindergarten and Kangaroo Flat Primary partnered to engage an Art Therapist to work between the two settings, supporting children to make what can be a challenging transition – particularly for children experiencing vulnerability.

2024 Timetable

All groups are combined 3 & 4 year old programs. To learn more about the benefits of combined groups Click Here…

Group 1
Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Time: 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Group 2
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 8.30 am- 4.00 pm

Educational Team

Nominated Supervisor: Glenys

Education Leader: Beckie

Educational Team: Ann, Beckie, Gaya, Glenys, Jasmine, Karly & Leeza


Our educators have provided some answers to some ‘frequently asked questions’ to assist you in developing a better understanding of the kindergarten.


Enrolments for Bendigo and Swan Hill Shine Bright Kindergartens are processed through Central Enrolments at Loddon Mallee Preschool Association (LMPA). Information on how to enrol into a Shine Bright Kindergarten can be found on the LMPA website or contact details below.

W: www.lmpa.org.au
E: enrolments@lmpa.org.au
P: 03 5443 1229

Helm Street Philosophy

Relationships are critical for brain development and emotional development.

Relationships motivate, inspire and build trust and care and commitment.

Relationships are the fundamental element of what it means to be human.

At our preschool we use the Kathy Walker approach as an integral part of our Philosophy.

This means we provide a sense of wonder, exploration, investigation and interest in a rich range of materials, resources and opportunities in which each child can engage.

We do this by:

  • By being with the children and engaging in authentic conversation with them; being in the moment with them; children share their exploration and wonder.
  • We use intentional teaching through play ensuring that we acknowledge where your child is developmentally and in the learning.  We engage children in a learning experience that is open ended and focused on skill acquisition and process through our intentional and engaging environment.

Relationships before:
Routines, portfolios, learning stories and documentation.

  • Personalising learning for every child – honouring and respecting each individual and understanding their stage of development – personalise the learning so that each child is able to develop social, emotional, academic and executive functioning skills through a pedagogy that embeds open –ended play experiences.
  • Intentional teaching through play
    • Where is your child developmentally and in their learning?
    • What is next for your child?
    • How do I engage your child in a learning experience that is open-ended and focused on skill acquisition and process (not outcome)?

We create a intentional and engaging environment – this requires expertise, knowledge and skill of how the learning environment is the third teacher and is a critical component of early childhood education.

Areas are provided in the learning space both in and outdoors –

An invitation to engage

Reflects interests, strengths and needs

Promotes belonging

This gives the children opportunities to

Self regulate

Become independent

Work with others

Development intentions – learning intentions – children’s interests – community interests = learning environment

Contained and defined spaces

Dramatic play



Literacy – reading and writing


Science and nature


Painting and drawing



Interests and culture part of play areas but not starting point or focus

Free to choose where they work/explore

Play is a process

It promotes

oral language – through engagement,conversation

Social skills- through role play, problem solving, negotiating, listening

Thinking processes – decision making, self regulation, lateral thinking, reflecting , resilience…

See what we’re about below…

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