Dear Parents / Carers,
The enrolment process for kindergartens is progressing well in each region – Bendigo, Campaspe & Swan Hill. The process can be complex as we need to take into account the preferences of hundreds of families, consult with our staff, consider other factors such as staff availability and preference, building size constraints, the introduction of funded 3yo kindergarten in the Campaspe region in 2021, budget implications (this is part of our DET funding agreement) and local factors before we can finalise models for individual kindergartens for 2021.
Before we can confirm enrolments for your child(ren) there are some further steps that need to occur. We will be consulting with our staff shortly with proposed models for 2021 which includes proposed session times and days. We may also survey parents / carers at individual kindergartens for their preference where the choice is not necessarily obvious. As with previous years, we expect that process to be completed by around the start of November. Where we can finish the process earlier at individual kindergartens we will.
We appreciate your understanding as we carefully take into consideration the preference of all to ensure the best possible outcome for 2021.