Epsom Kindergarten
National Quality Standard Rating – Exceeding
Address: 46 Myrtle Road, Epsom VIC 3550 MAP
Phone: 03 5448 4037
Email: epsom@shinebright.org.au
2024 Kindergarten Timetable
All groups are 3 & 4 year old programs. To learn more about the benefits of combined groups Click Here…
Seahorse Group
Days: Tuesday & Wednesday rotating model
Time: 8.30 am – 4.00 pm
Dolphin Group
Days: Monday & Tuesday rotating model
Time: 8.30 am- 4.00 pm
Jellyfish Group
Days: Monday & Wednesday rotating model
Time: 8.30 am- 4.00 pm
Turtle Group
Days: Thursday & Friday
Time: 8.30 am- 4.00 pm
Educational Team
Nominated Supervisor: Allison
Educational Leader: Allison
Educational Team: Allison, Cindy, Erin, Fiona, Gaya, Indira, Jo, Melita, Nicole B, Rebecca & Sarah
Our Educators have provided some answer to some ‘frequently asked questions; to assist you in developing a better understanding on the kindergarten.
Enrolments for Bendigo and Swan Hill Shine Bright Kindergartens are processed through Central Enrolments at Loddon Mallee Preschool Association (LMPA). Information on how to enrol into a Shine Bright Kindergarten can be found on the LMPA website or contact details below.
W: www.lmpa.org.au
E: enrolments@lmpa.org.au
P: 03 5443 1229
Our Philosophy
The Epsom Preschool provides kindergarten programmes for preschool aged children, which reflect the values of families and the local community. The services are provided in a safe and stimulating environment that welcomes and relies upon input from the children and their families. The kindergarten is managed by the Loddon Mallee Preschool Association, and supported by a Parent Advisory Group formed by parents whose children attend the kindergarten.
Our Philosophy – We Believe:
We believe that children learn best when engaged in a play based curriculum where each program reflects children’s needs, interests and strengths so that they are actively involved in their own learning. We provide a caring, safe and stimulating active learning environment where all children are valued and respected. Educators provide children with opportunities to learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. Children are given choices, and able to participate in a variety of experiences. They have time to explore, repeat activities, and to experience meaningful interactions with others including educators and children.
A relaxed environment that is rich in a variety of challenges, that is supportive and inclusive, where all children can succeed whilst having equal access is provided. Children have opportunities to solve problems, experience success and in turn achieve a sense of empowerment. We believe in imparting a sense of confidence and competence as well as a sense of joy and wonder in life and learning. Each child is valued as a unique individual with a right to self-expression.
Family involvement:
Families know their child/ren best and are the most important influence in the child’s life, and where we can learn the most about their child. Families are encouraged to share ideas and information with educators which allows us to learn more about each child. We foster and develop positive relationships with families, enabling us to work together, supporting the continuity of care, thus enhancing the child’s well being and progress. Families have different needs and requirements and are involved in the Centre as much as possible.
Educator’s role in children’s learning:
Educators spend time getting to know each child, developing trust which enables the child to feel secure, developing self esteem. Each child is valued as an individual, regardless of the child’s diverse abilities, their social, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Children are viewed as capable and competent learners who have the ability to take an active role in their own learning and development. We recognise that the physical environment, and teaching interactions play a critical role in the developing child. Positive and supportive relationships are formed between all educators and families, enabling a sharing of information and ideas thus developing trust and respect for each other. Professional development plays an important role in ensuring that educator’s knowledge is current and up to date. We view our roles as educators facilitating and extending each child’s interests promoting his/her exploration of life.
Our families and educators believe that by providing routines and structure children develop a sense of security and help them develop a sense of self discipline. Our program allows children to feel safe, and to develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives. As this sense of mastery is strengthened, they can tackle larger changes. It teaches children how to constructively control themselves and their environments. It offers a sense of consistency and security, yet remains flexible and responsive to the individual needs of each child. We build connection rituals into our routines to allow us to slow down and connect on a visceral level to build security and connection amongst educators and children.
We believe in teaching children to learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfilment, so that they can navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease. We incorporate yoga strategies at an early age to encourage self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s non-competitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion—instead of opposition—is a great gift to give our children. Children derive enormous benefits from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves. Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Yoga brings that marvellous inner light that all children have to the surface.
Our families believe in fostering a program that enables our children to:
• Have fun
• Be happy
• Develop self esteem and confidence
• Enjoy learning
• Be comfortable
• Be resilient
• Develop independence
• Have amazing fun experiences and opportunities
• Have more structure with learning
• Develop socially
• Develop academically in learning numbers, letters & pre-reading skills
• Develop relationships with peers and educators
• Develop creativity
• Develop communication skills
Overall goals for the children:
• Children have a strong sense of identity
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world
• Children have a strong sense of well being
• Children are confident and involved learners
• Children are effective communicators
Our role within the wider community:
Our Kinder plays an important role within family’s lives, providing resources reflective and supportive of their needs. We have strong links with the local schools and value the relationships that have been built upon over the years. Our kinder was established in 1979 by a wonderful group of parents whose goal was to provide the young children of Epsom Huntly with a kindergarten in which to learn and grow. We value that the early years, as a critical time to foster a positive self concept, lays the foundation for skills for lifelong learning and to promote the understanding and accepting of others. We still have close links with families from the past 37 years, who return as parents themselves, or work experience students.