Throughout the week (9th – 10th November) we have been celebrating NAIDOC week. Hands on activities at the service have enabled educators to enrich children’s understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people’s culture and history.
What we did?
During the week we have been engaging our children in different experiences to support awareness and education of the Indigenous Australian culture.
Children engaged in art and craft, making mosaic of flags, making musical shakers.
We were lucky to have Aunty Patty our Koorie Pre-school Assistant to share her culture with us all. She discussed around how Aboriginal Australians have used and use different ways to communicate such as symbolic drawings, also presented in the form of art. She talked how traditions have been passed down from generation to generation through storytelling and together we read some dreamtime stories.
Other activities the children engaged were:
Weaving –
Look and find bush Tucker foods-
Face painting with ochre –
Learn the aboriginal materials/resources/words – Coolamons used by women to carry water, fruit, as well as to cradle babies.
Emu caller – hunting tool used to attract ems
Learning outcomes:
Learning about the culture of Indigenous Australians always excites children and keeps them interested in learning about diversity and Aboriginal Australian history. The children respond to diversity with respect and become aware of fairness.