Dear Shine Bright Maiden Gully Hub Families and Staff,
The Hub has now been declared a Tier one exposure site on Wednesday 6th October and Friday 8th October as detailed on the Department of Health website those present need to get tested and isolate and follow the Department of Health directives.
Our recorded times differ from what is on the Department of Health Website.
Our records show that the positive case was present on Wednesday 6/10/21 9.00-4.00pm and Friday 8/10/21 9.00am-12.55pm. We are in the process of notifying the Department of Health of this discrepancy.
Please see our FAQs below or if you have further questions please email us at
Kind Regards
Craig Wade – HR Manager and
Belinda Schultz – Early Years Manager
Please note, new questions or changes are highlighted in red
Q Belinda Quinn has not contacted me, does this mean we don’t need to isolate?
A. Correct, upon receipt of their negative test result.
Q Is this okay with the Department of Health?
A Yes, Shine Bright has liaised closely with the Departments of Health and Education and Training.
Q Does this mean I still need a 13 day test?
A No.
Q If I have not been contacted directly by Belinda, am I still in isolation?
A No, you do not need to continue to isolate.
Q What do I do if compliance officers contact me i.e., in person or by phone, because I have completed the self-assessment form on the website?
A You need to inform them that close contacts have been identified and I/we are not considered close contacts, you will also need to call 1300 651 160 and select 0 and then select 4 and share that you have not been identified as a close contact with the Department of Health and request to be taken off the list.
You will know this if you were not contacted by Belinda Quinn on Thursday 14/10/21 you are not classified as a primary contact person.
Shine Bright will provide you with a letter to support this which will be emailed to you this afternoon.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The symptoms to watch out for are:
- fever
- chills or sweats
- cough
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
- loss or change in sense of smell or taste.
Some people may also experience headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
If you have any of these symptoms, however mild, you should seek advice and get tested. To get further advice, call the 24-hour Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398 or your doctor.